November 14 marks the third anniversary of the Filipino Mass here in Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Parish.
Father Paul Reynato Tenorio Rodillas SVD, Parochial Vicar, Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church -- West Valley City, Utah and Saint Therese Catholic Church -- Midvale, Utah
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Today, the solemnity of All Saint's day is a reminder for all of us of God's invitation to holiness.
Hail Mary, full of Grace

The Sts. Peter and Paul Church Filipino Catholic Community concluded the month long praying of the Holy Rosary before the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Sts. Peter & Paul Church grounds yesterday, October 31, 2010. We call this devotion to the Blessed Mother as "Block Rosary'. Such is the name because in the Philippines we pray the Rosary by block in the neighborhood. This devotion is part of the Filipino tradition in honoring the Blessed Mother Mary. We pray the Holy Rosary from one house to the other every night for the whole month of October. This devotion started in the early years of Christianity in the Philippines more than 400 years ago. Where there is a group of Filipinos, there is a pratice of this devotion.
Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Catholic Community Services of Salt Lake City sent me a copy of this prayer which I want to share. This prayer was sent in connection with the 'World Priest Day' celebration on the 31st of October 2010.
We need them in life's early morning.
We need them again at its close.
We feel their warm clasp of true friendship;
We seek them when tasting life's woes.
At the altar each day we behold them.
The hands of a king on his throne are not equal to them
in their greatness; Their dignity stands alone.
And when we are tempted and wander to pathways of shame and sin,
it's the hand of a priest that will absolve us, not once, but again and again.
And when we are taking life's partner, other hands may prepare us a feast,
but the hand that will bless and unite us is the beautiful hand of priest.
God bless them and keep them holy, for the Host, which their fingers caress.
When can a poor sinner do better than to ask Him to guide thee and bless.
When the hour of death comes upon us, may our courage and strength be increased
by seeing raised over us in blessing, the beautiful hands of a priest.
Friday, October 29, 2010

In the gospel stories there are seven incidents where Jesus healed on a Sabbath. Together with today's gospel reading, Jessus healed the mother - in - law of Peter (Lk. 4: 38), the healing of the man with a withered hands (Lk. 6:6), the healing of the woman who was suffering from hemmohrage for eighteen years (Lk. 13: 13), the healing of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda (Jn. 5:9), the healing of the man bor blind (Jn. 9:14), healing of the man possessed by the demon in the synagogue at Capernaum (Mk. 1:12).
Jesus was often criticized for eating with tax collectors and sinners, these are the peoples whom the Pharisees avoided because they did not practice the law. In the gospel reading today, Jesus dined in the home of one of the leading Pharisees. This means that Jesus is accepted as a social equal by the Pharisee. But Jesus was being watched closely if he observes social and ritual codes of the meal on a Sabbath.
The test came with the presence of a man sufferring from dropsy, an abnormal swelling of the body cause by the accumulation of fluid. Jesus heals the man and thus violates the law of sabbath. But for Jesus, to end the suffering of the man is more important than observing the law of sabbath, no matter how holy the law may be. Doing good on sabbath is far more holier than not attending the need of a person on sabbath.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
St. George Visit
The last couple of days I was in St. George especially to greet Katsumi's on his 90th birthday celebration. I had late lunch Monday with Mom Marilyn and sister Hien and my Mother at Ichiban. Later that day I went to see Frank who just came out of the hospital from a successful surgical procedure. Afterwards the Beller's, Jim and Mary prepared a sumptuous steak dinner at their residence. Roger and Peggy Soukup welcomed me and my mother to stay at their beautiful house in Ivin's.
Tuesday was an equally busy day. Had early coffee with the Soukup's then went to visit some friends. I had seen my old grandfather Hugh, Mom Marianne, Opa John, and Helen. I was told earlier that I have to proceed to my favorite restaurant Beijing for lunch. I was surprised that a large number of friends were there waiting for me. It was a very meaningful reunion with friends. I was told later that when they heard that I am coming to St. George, through word of mouth they spread the news that's why a good number of friends showed up to see me even just for an hour.
I am fortunate that in the very short time that I was in St. George, God has blessed me with True friends who make me feel loved and important. I thank God for all those who considered not only as spiritual father but a dear Friend as well. Those I was not able to see, hopefully, I will also have the chance to see them. Praise God for the gift of friends.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Lunch with the Senior members of Sts. Peter & Paul Parish
Every third Tuesday of the month the senior members of our parish gather together in a shared meal.
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila

The Sts. Peter & Paul Filipino Catholic Community celebrated the feastday of St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila last September 28, 2010 at the Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church, West Valley City Utah. The celebration includes a nine day novena in his honor and is culminated with the celebration of the Holy Mass. Filipino devotees to St, Lorenzo Ruiz attended the affair and a hearty dinner was serve after the Mass.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz was born in the walled city of Manila called Binondo. He was born of a Filipina Mother and a Chinese father. The exact date of his birth is unknown since the records of the church where he was baptized were destroyed.
In his early childhood, he served as a houseboy and a sacristan in the convent of the Dominican Fathers. He later joined the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary and lived a pious and practical Christian life as prescribed bt the association.
In 1636, he was accused of being involved in a criminal case of unspecified nature. Knowing the prejudices of the authorities during that time, he sought for his life and decided to leave the country. So, he embarked with a group of Dominican priests and a Japanese layman who were leaving Manila, thinking they were heading for Macao. But the Missionaries headed instead to Japan.
Lorenzo arrived in Nagasaki with the Dominican Superior Father Antonio Gonzales and Lazaro, of Kyoto, on September 21, 1637. They were taken to the tribunals of the governors of Nagasaki. They were questioned and repeatedly tormented by two kinds of tortue, the water torture and the torture of needles. Lorenzo was given the chance to be spared from his impending death if only he would renounce his faith, but he said, "I am a Christian and this I profess until the hour of my death; and for God I shall give my life; and although I did not come to Japan to be a martyr, but rather I could stay in Manila, however, as a Christian and for God I shall give my life." To this, the tormentors ortured him with water. Even with this tortures, Lorenzo refused to renounce his faith.
Two days later, on September 23, 1637, he stood before the tribunal and was interrogated the last time if he renounced his faith, but is determined and firm till the end. He said, "Because I am a Christian, I shall die for God, and for him I will give many thousand lives if I have them." The judges then sentenced him to death.
In 1636, he was accused of being involved in a criminal case of unspecified nature. Knowing the prejudices of the authorities during that time, he sought for his life and decided to leave the country. So, he embarked with a group of Dominican priests and a Japanese layman who were leaving Manila, thinking they were heading for Macao. But the Missionaries headed instead to Japan.
Lorenzo arrived in Nagasaki with the Dominican Superior Father Antonio Gonzales and Lazaro, of Kyoto, on September 21, 1637. They were taken to the tribunals of the governors of Nagasaki. They were questioned and repeatedly tormented by two kinds of tortue, the water torture and the torture of needles. Lorenzo was given the chance to be spared from his impending death if only he would renounce his faith, but he said, "I am a Christian and this I profess until the hour of my death; and for God I shall give my life; and although I did not come to Japan to be a martyr, but rather I could stay in Manila, however, as a Christian and for God I shall give my life." To this, the tormentors ortured him with water. Even with this tortures, Lorenzo refused to renounce his faith.
Two days later, on September 23, 1637, he stood before the tribunal and was interrogated the last time if he renounced his faith, but is determined and firm till the end. He said, "Because I am a Christian, I shall die for God, and for him I will give many thousand lives if I have them." The judges then sentenced him to death.
On Septemebr 27, 1637 Lorenzo and his companions were paraded along the streets of Nagasaki on a horseback before their execution. They have undergone the final torture called "gallows on the pit'. Tney were supposed to have been executed on the 29 of September 1637 but Lorenzo and Lazaro expired two days before their scheduled execution at the gallows.
Lorenzo Ruiz and his companions were beatified by Pope John Paul II in Manila on February 1981, the first beatification ever happened outside of the Vatican. They were canonized later by the same Pope in Rome on October 18, 1987.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Nice to Be Back
After a long period of hibernation, now I'm back to my hiding place, my blog, where I can share my thoughts, my reflections, my aspirations and inspirations, my longings and dreams, my frustrations, my emotions, my personal views on what is happening in the Church, in the community, in the world.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
St. George Catholic Church Celebrates Cinco de Mayo
Watch Father Gustavo Vidal and the Pinay Dancing Divas Joyce Francis, Rosa Daly and Espie Nixx show off their dancing prowess to the tune of BODY DANCERS..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

After the nine o'clock Mass last Sunday April 25, 2010, the 9 Grade CCD classes gave tribute to Fr. Gustavo Vidal, the pastor and myself. The tribute entitled "OUR PRIESTS ARE THE BEST" commemorating the Year of the Priests. The different class levels each presented a number, beginning from the first grade to the ninth grade. It was so much fun watching little kids performing. The program was organized by the Cathechism teachers headed by Jill Lutrell and assisted by other volunteer CCD teachers. Congratulation's to all of you for a wonderful presentation.
Monday, April 12, 2010
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