Alleluia! Christ is RISEN!!!!
It's the greatest miracle God has ever performed.
Much greater than the miracle of creation itself
God's Som who once was dead, has risen to new life forever.
This great miracle is the joy for the whole world.
The hope of humanity.
Satan thought he was the winner.
Demons were roaring in triumph--- only to realize
to their horror that JESUS was not the loser at all.
He descended into their world and took the keys
of death and life back from satans own claws.
JESUS CHRIST proved to be the great victor.
He only gave Himself to be killed, so that He could
take away the authority of satan over mankind.
God is so much greater in all He is.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ proves this one and for all.
It's God's sign of life. Life that is stronger than death.
It brings hope and new life to billions of people,
from every tribe and tongue.
His life is for you. Now. Here.
Take it.
Praise Him for it.
It's yours.