In the year 1998, "Der Spiegel" (The Mirror) a popular magazine in Germany carried a story that in that year there are 98,000 cases of divorce. Reasons of which are not really known.
The gospel reading today speaks of marriage and divorce. Pharisees came to Jesus asking him if it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason. Jesus answered them that what God has joined no man could separate.
In Judaism there were two schools of debate concerning marriage and divorce. The Shammai's and the Hillel's. The Shammai's adhered to a very strict position on divorce. Hillel's on the other hand are more lenient. The question thrown by the Pharisees to Jesus reflects a similar discussion in the community of Matthew.
Jesus made it clear that the purspose of God from the beginning in creating them male and female is that they be joined as one in a permanent union. This bond is being cemented by God himself and no one can undo it. Strictly speaking, divorce is illegal.
The Pharisees cannot be convinced by the answer of Jesus and they cited Moses who allowed divorce. Jesus said that Moses permitted divorce because of their hard headedness.
Because of Israel's unwillingness to listen to God's word, their rebellioussness and sinfulness that made Moses allowed divorce. It does not at all reflect the will of God.
Thus, this would remind married couples to be faithful to their marriage vows. Because the vows they made before the altar of God is permanent and not contractual and indissoluble.