There is much rejoicing in heaven for one sinner who repents than a ninety-nine righteous men who does not need the grace of God. The gospel reading today is a gospel within a gospel because it clearly illustrates the reason for God's incarnation. That He came to save the lost. That He came to allow us to exprerience God's divine unconditional love. By using the two parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, Jesus is telling us that He loves us unconditionally no matter what. The Pharisees are questioning Him because he dined with sinners, they dont realized that Jesus' love goes beyond the faults and mistakes of people. The gospel reminds us that no matter how grave the sins that we have committed in our lives, He is always willing to embrace us back if we acknowledge that we have sinned, we repent and find our way bak to his fatherly embrace. All of us have sinned. Part of our being human is our human weaknesses and sinfulness. But there is hope because Jesus our Good Shepherd is trying to find us. If He found us Go back to Him and he will forgive us. His mercy and forgiveness is immeasurable. He does not make a record of our wrongdoing because He loves us.