Monday, November 16, 2009

Your Faith has Saved YOU

"Have sight, your faith has saved you"

After Mass yesterday at 11 o'clock in the morning in Hurricane, a lady came to me and embraced saying, "Father, thank you so much for the miracle you have done to me!" I asked her, "what miracle?" She said, "you remember the last time you were here? I came to asked for your blessing just before you started the Mass." " Two weeks ago I went to see my doctor and he said that cancer cells in my body are gone." she continued. I told her it's not me who did the miracle it is her faith and the work of God. "But you are the instrument." she insisted.

As a priest it's a humbling experience for me. Inspite of my own sinfulness and wickedness, God continue using me in allowing people to experience his love and his grace.

The word of God today reminds us of God's abundant love if we only put our total confidence and complete trust in Him. The blind man when he heard that Jesus is passing by, he did not only stayed in one corner. He made it a point that Jesus would take notice of him by not keeping silent. He shouted, "Jesus, son of David have pity on me!" Even if the Lord is busy with his preaching and teaching, He stopped and give what the blind man needed, that is, that his sight may be restored. If only we have that kind of faith of the blind man, I believed that there are a lot of miracles that will happen in our lives.