A tiny old lady was informed by a cabin crew that the ladies room was at the front of the aircraft. She obediently followed the instructions and slowly walked all the way to the front, opened the cockpit door and saw the crew at the controls. She immediately closed it and went back to the aisle confused, and told the stewardess; "I'm not going there. There are four men in the ladies room watching TV".
Father Paul Reynato Tenorio Rodillas SVD, Parochial Vicar, Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church -- West Valley City, Utah and Saint Therese Catholic Church -- Midvale, Utah
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Funny Christmas Get Together
Today we had our Parish Office Staff Christmas get together. The party was set at thirty minutes after twelve noon, but for unknown reason we were not able to begin on time because we were waiting for Sandra and Luz. Fr. Vidal, John, Jill and I, started taking pictures while waiting for Sandra and Luz. As soon as Sandra arrived we prayed, tahnking God for his blessings and for gathering us in a simple lunch. After lunch we opened our gifts.
While Jill was giving out the gifts, I was reminded of one of my most embarassing experienced years ago. I was invited to give a talk to a group of employees in one of the offices in Manila and I was seated in a makeshift flatform. I did'nt realize that part of my pants on my crouch was ripped and some of those were seated infront had notice it. When I was called to the podium I really did'nt know how to walk normally but slowy approached the podium. But as they say the show must go on no matter what. Father Vidal laughed his heart out when he heard my story and told me, "don't ever tell that in your homilies"' It was a real funny but very embarassing experience. At least I was able to make Fr. Vidal laugh.
After we got and opened our gifts, all of us went on our own appointments because Jill has to go for her appointment at 2 o'clock.
All of us went home happy, at least we had a simple Chritmas gathering but we had a lot of fun as you can see it through our pictures being posted here.
Monday, December 14, 2009
My Christmas Tree
I finally put up my Christmas Tree in my office through the help of Roger last Saturday and my small Nativity in my room. It's always been a joy for me to put Christmas tree and lights every christmas season. No matter how simple they maybe. Aside from the Christmas Carols we hear the Christmas Tree and the Nativity reminds us of the First Noel when Jesus became as one of us and one like us to wash away our sins.
O Night Divine
Last night I had the oppotunity to watch the Southern Utah Heritage Choir together with the Desrt High School Choir at the Dixie State College Auditorium. Roger and Peggy Soukup came to pick me up at quarter to seven in the evening. Part of the group who came were Han and her girlfriend, Verda, Pat Healy, Roger & Peggy and myself. I enjoyed listening to the choral rendition of the most inspiring Christmas carols. The show started on time at half fast seven and ended at nine thirty. After the show we proceeded to have a hot strawberry sundae at Mc Donalds over at St. George Boulevard.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession

Just end the day joining the Our Lady of Guadalupe procession from Bluff Park till the Church. The procession went on even with the rains and the cold weather and in the absence of police patrol who accompanied us. The love of the Hispanic community to Our Lady of Guadalupe is so deep that not even the rains and the cold weather could stop them from pushing through the procession. The band came late, we were already at 400 West 200 North when they arrived. Hermana Teresa lead us to the praying of the Holy Rosary while in procession. That is how I ended the celebration of my 12th Sacerdotal Anniversary. May the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe continue to intercede for me that I may faithful, effiicient, effective and holy priest that I should be. Mama Mary please pray for me and all priests of the Catholic Church.
Friday, December 11, 2009
You Are A Priest Forever
12 years ago today, I and 14 others were ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Miguel Cinches, SVD, then bishop of Surigao City. Our class name is Santibok (One beat, One heart). Most of the members of the class were then young professionals.
It's a good time to thank God for the gift of priesthood. And what a better way of thanking God than to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the center of my life.
I am also grateful for the many people who were instrumental of my becoming a priest and a missionary. Fr. Albert Rabe, the then spiritual director of the Youth of Ilocos Sur Encounter Christ movement, who had always believed that I have the vocation to the priesthood and encouraged me to nourish that vocation. To Rev. Arthur Yabes, who introduced me to the Society of the Divine Word. Actually we accidentally met in a bus for the first time and never thought then that he is a priest. The late Rev, Fr. Bernard Le Frois who patiently directed me spiritually during my early formation years. To My parents, brother, sisters, relatives and friends who encouraged and prayed for my perseverance. To the many benefactors, known and unknown who have given their financial assistance generously, especially the late kuya Joe Dimalanta, Mila Dimalanta, Violet Dimalanta, Mrs. Laurie Bandiola, Ma'am Trining Rosal my former teacher at the University of the Philippines, Mrs. Josefina King of Escolta, Manila, Mr. Renato Agapito who never get tired of helping even up to now, Ramil who has always been there to support me and all the men and women that I met in my journey as a missionary and a priest. To manang Inday Medina who who is very supportive materially and spiritually, and to the parishioners of St. George Catholic Church who showed their love for me through and through. To all of those in one way or the other had helped me become who I am now. My sincerest thanks.
There is but one wish I want to make, that with the grace of God and the support and prayers of people who love me so dearly, that I may be faithful to my vows I made twelve years ago: the vow of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Fathe Gustavo Vidal, my pastor is so gracious in allowing me to have a special celebration of the Holy Eucharist with some parishioners. May the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary intercede for me that I may be able to carry out my duties and responsibilities in the parish effectively and efficiently.
After the noon Mass, I was treated like a King for a Day by Lorraine Boyce who preapared a sumptuous lunch with selected members of the parish. To Lorraine who opened her house to me and some friends, maraming salamat. For those who joined in the celebration, Eucharistic and the luncheon, my sincerest thanks...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Three old men are bragging with each other how would they want to die, an eighty year old said if I can experience driving the most expensive car, I can already die. The second guy, a ninety year old said, if I go to the casino and win the jackpot I can already die by heart attack. The oldest who is ninety five years old said, I want to die in bed, shot by a jealous husband.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Lord, Lord,,,
One old daily Mass goer in a parish was heard saying, "one thing I hate with the Pastor is that in his homilies he always talks about GOD".
Not all who says "Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven". Salvation can not e attained by confining ourselves to praying. Christian life means we need to listen to the Word of God and practice them in our daily lives. As St. Paul puts it, "faith without action is dead." Faith should be translated into concrete action. Doing something good to people around us especially those who cannot pay us back. Then our reward in heaven would be great.
When the old daily Mass goer said that he hates the pastor for always talking about God does not mean that he does not want the pastor talking about God. Because we do not have the right to talk about God if godly ways does not reflect in our lives. It is a sacrilegious to talk about God if we don't walk the talk.
If we want to be save, we need to listen to the Word of God and make them guide for our daily living and serving God through our neighbors.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Busy Eating
After Mass this morning Marilyn Sugimoto and Hanh invited me for breakfast and we went to my favorite breakfast restaurant the Blue Bunny at Main street. Then I proceeded to bless the house of Marie Braddy at 1040 N 1300 W. Marie prepared a tray of pansit bihon (glass noodle). Instead of eating it in her house, brought it home and shared it to some of the volunteers at the thrift store.
And I had a hearty Lunch of Tilapia with the LV Group at Olive Garden in River Road. After that I already felt my eyelids falling wanting to have my siesta. The LV Group composed of Lorraine Boyce, Helen Salvatore, Mary Wallace and her husband Roy, and there's another guy but I forgot his name. It's nice to be with these guys once a month not only to dine but especially to share thoughts and ideas and stories. See next January 5, 2010 guys....
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