A tiny old lady was informed by a cabin crew that the ladies room was at the front of the aircraft. She obediently followed the instructions and slowly walked all the way to the front, opened the cockpit door and saw the crew at the controls. She immediately closed it and went back to the aisle confused, and told the stewardess; "I'm not going there. There are four men in the ladies room watching TV".
Father Paul Reynato Tenorio Rodillas SVD, Parochial Vicar, Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church -- West Valley City, Utah and Saint Therese Catholic Church -- Midvale, Utah
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Funny Christmas Get Together
Today we had our Parish Office Staff Christmas get together. The party was set at thirty minutes after twelve noon, but for unknown reason we were not able to begin on time because we were waiting for Sandra and Luz. Fr. Vidal, John, Jill and I, started taking pictures while waiting for Sandra and Luz. As soon as Sandra arrived we prayed, tahnking God for his blessings and for gathering us in a simple lunch. After lunch we opened our gifts.
While Jill was giving out the gifts, I was reminded of one of my most embarassing experienced years ago. I was invited to give a talk to a group of employees in one of the offices in Manila and I was seated in a makeshift flatform. I did'nt realize that part of my pants on my crouch was ripped and some of those were seated infront had notice it. When I was called to the podium I really did'nt know how to walk normally but slowy approached the podium. But as they say the show must go on no matter what. Father Vidal laughed his heart out when he heard my story and told me, "don't ever tell that in your homilies"' It was a real funny but very embarassing experience. At least I was able to make Fr. Vidal laugh.
After we got and opened our gifts, all of us went on our own appointments because Jill has to go for her appointment at 2 o'clock.
All of us went home happy, at least we had a simple Chritmas gathering but we had a lot of fun as you can see it through our pictures being posted here.
Monday, December 14, 2009
My Christmas Tree
I finally put up my Christmas Tree in my office through the help of Roger last Saturday and my small Nativity in my room. It's always been a joy for me to put Christmas tree and lights every christmas season. No matter how simple they maybe. Aside from the Christmas Carols we hear the Christmas Tree and the Nativity reminds us of the First Noel when Jesus became as one of us and one like us to wash away our sins.
O Night Divine
Last night I had the oppotunity to watch the Southern Utah Heritage Choir together with the Desrt High School Choir at the Dixie State College Auditorium. Roger and Peggy Soukup came to pick me up at quarter to seven in the evening. Part of the group who came were Han and her girlfriend, Verda, Pat Healy, Roger & Peggy and myself. I enjoyed listening to the choral rendition of the most inspiring Christmas carols. The show started on time at half fast seven and ended at nine thirty. After the show we proceeded to have a hot strawberry sundae at Mc Donalds over at St. George Boulevard.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession

Just end the day joining the Our Lady of Guadalupe procession from Bluff Park till the Church. The procession went on even with the rains and the cold weather and in the absence of police patrol who accompanied us. The love of the Hispanic community to Our Lady of Guadalupe is so deep that not even the rains and the cold weather could stop them from pushing through the procession. The band came late, we were already at 400 West 200 North when they arrived. Hermana Teresa lead us to the praying of the Holy Rosary while in procession. That is how I ended the celebration of my 12th Sacerdotal Anniversary. May the Blessed Mother of Guadalupe continue to intercede for me that I may faithful, effiicient, effective and holy priest that I should be. Mama Mary please pray for me and all priests of the Catholic Church.
Friday, December 11, 2009
You Are A Priest Forever
12 years ago today, I and 14 others were ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Miguel Cinches, SVD, then bishop of Surigao City. Our class name is Santibok (One beat, One heart). Most of the members of the class were then young professionals.
It's a good time to thank God for the gift of priesthood. And what a better way of thanking God than to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the center of my life.
I am also grateful for the many people who were instrumental of my becoming a priest and a missionary. Fr. Albert Rabe, the then spiritual director of the Youth of Ilocos Sur Encounter Christ movement, who had always believed that I have the vocation to the priesthood and encouraged me to nourish that vocation. To Rev. Arthur Yabes, who introduced me to the Society of the Divine Word. Actually we accidentally met in a bus for the first time and never thought then that he is a priest. The late Rev, Fr. Bernard Le Frois who patiently directed me spiritually during my early formation years. To My parents, brother, sisters, relatives and friends who encouraged and prayed for my perseverance. To the many benefactors, known and unknown who have given their financial assistance generously, especially the late kuya Joe Dimalanta, Mila Dimalanta, Violet Dimalanta, Mrs. Laurie Bandiola, Ma'am Trining Rosal my former teacher at the University of the Philippines, Mrs. Josefina King of Escolta, Manila, Mr. Renato Agapito who never get tired of helping even up to now, Ramil who has always been there to support me and all the men and women that I met in my journey as a missionary and a priest. To manang Inday Medina who who is very supportive materially and spiritually, and to the parishioners of St. George Catholic Church who showed their love for me through and through. To all of those in one way or the other had helped me become who I am now. My sincerest thanks.
There is but one wish I want to make, that with the grace of God and the support and prayers of people who love me so dearly, that I may be faithful to my vows I made twelve years ago: the vow of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Fathe Gustavo Vidal, my pastor is so gracious in allowing me to have a special celebration of the Holy Eucharist with some parishioners. May the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary intercede for me that I may be able to carry out my duties and responsibilities in the parish effectively and efficiently.
After the noon Mass, I was treated like a King for a Day by Lorraine Boyce who preapared a sumptuous lunch with selected members of the parish. To Lorraine who opened her house to me and some friends, maraming salamat. For those who joined in the celebration, Eucharistic and the luncheon, my sincerest thanks...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Three old men are bragging with each other how would they want to die, an eighty year old said if I can experience driving the most expensive car, I can already die. The second guy, a ninety year old said, if I go to the casino and win the jackpot I can already die by heart attack. The oldest who is ninety five years old said, I want to die in bed, shot by a jealous husband.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Lord, Lord,,,
One old daily Mass goer in a parish was heard saying, "one thing I hate with the Pastor is that in his homilies he always talks about GOD".
Not all who says "Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven". Salvation can not e attained by confining ourselves to praying. Christian life means we need to listen to the Word of God and practice them in our daily lives. As St. Paul puts it, "faith without action is dead." Faith should be translated into concrete action. Doing something good to people around us especially those who cannot pay us back. Then our reward in heaven would be great.
When the old daily Mass goer said that he hates the pastor for always talking about God does not mean that he does not want the pastor talking about God. Because we do not have the right to talk about God if godly ways does not reflect in our lives. It is a sacrilegious to talk about God if we don't walk the talk.
If we want to be save, we need to listen to the Word of God and make them guide for our daily living and serving God through our neighbors.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Busy Eating
After Mass this morning Marilyn Sugimoto and Hanh invited me for breakfast and we went to my favorite breakfast restaurant the Blue Bunny at Main street. Then I proceeded to bless the house of Marie Braddy at 1040 N 1300 W. Marie prepared a tray of pansit bihon (glass noodle). Instead of eating it in her house, brought it home and shared it to some of the volunteers at the thrift store.
And I had a hearty Lunch of Tilapia with the LV Group at Olive Garden in River Road. After that I already felt my eyelids falling wanting to have my siesta. The LV Group composed of Lorraine Boyce, Helen Salvatore, Mary Wallace and her husband Roy, and there's another guy but I forgot his name. It's nice to be with these guys once a month not only to dine but especially to share thoughts and ideas and stories. See next January 5, 2010 guys....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy New Year!

People making lists,
buying special gifts,
it's the time to be kind to one and all.
It's the time of year when good friends are dear.
And you wish you could give more,
than the presents from the store.
Why don't you give love on new year's day..
Happy new year to all!
buying special gifts,
it's the time to be kind to one and all.
It's the time of year when good friends are dear.
And you wish you could give more,
than the presents from the store.
Why don't you give love on new year's day..
Happy new year to all!
Advent is taken from the latin word Adventus, which means coming. Today, the first Sunday of advent ushers to a new church calendar. The old calendar of the Church ended last Sunday with the celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King. And advent is reminding is to prepare to two important occasions in our Christian life: the celebration of the incarnation of God and the second coming of Jesus as judge in his glory.
How then are we goin to prepare for these two events? We Filipinos have a peculiar way of welcoming a guest. I remember when I was young, when we were expecting a guests we make special preparations. We lived in a barrio (village). most of the houses during that time were built on stilts, the lower part of the house is where our animals lived and the upper part of the house with one room for the living room, the dining room and for sleeping area for the whole family members. If guests are expected, we make a general cleaning from scrubbing the floors made of bamboo slits by using banana leaves because we do not have commercial floor wax then. My mother would bring blankets washed them and put starch on it to make sure that it is crispy. She would then bring the best plates and glasses and cups. My father on the other would prepare something to be butchered, pigs, goats or even our dogs. And we make sure taht the guest would feel at home and especially treated. That is how we welcome guests.
When expectings guests we make sure that we give the best comforts as possible. If we do these things to our human guests, how much more if the expected guest is Jesus himself? Are we not going to make the best preparations to make sure that Jesus would not only come and visit us but to remain with us? Are we not suppose to make that in our hearts there is a dwelling place for him?
St. Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians reminded his community to be blameless and pure in the sight of God that when the Lord comes they would stand erect before him. And in the gospel reading, St. Luke is reminding us to beware for our hearts not to be drowsy of carousing and drunkenness and preoccuppied with the anxieties of this life. We need to be vigilant and keep praying that we may have the strenght to face the tribulations and tragedies of life. That when the Lord comes we may be ready to welcome hime with head held up high, because we have been faithful to him and his word.
The celebration of Christmas is sure to come on the 25th of December. We might have sent away all of our Christmas cards, or had wrapped all our gifts, and our house beautifully adorned with Christmas Trees, lights and other ornamentts, these things are important reminders that Jesus came to us as man, but the most important thing is to be spiritually ready to welcome him when he comes again. Then, with all honesty we can say, Come Lord Jesus, my heart is ready for you to dwell. Amen
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's Too Good to be TWO!
Yesterday November 22, 2009, the Filipino Catholic Community of Sts. Peter and Paul celebrated second yeard of it's existence with a Thanksgiving Mass and a Dinner at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in West Valley City, Utah. More than a hundred members of the community attended the said event. Most of those who were there when the community was just starting were present, a number of them were not around for reasons we don't know of. But I believe that they are also happy that the small group of Filipino Catholics around Salt Lake City and the Valley area had grown to it's present number.
There was festive mood among the members present. Kids did some parlor games prepared by Carmela and company. Different naative Filipino foods were served, and the celebration would not have been complete sans LECHON courtesy of Leo.
Kuya Rudy Padua, after all the visitors and guests left suggested that for the next anniversary we need to invite the Bishop to come and celebrate the Mass with us. I told them that before that invitation, they have to formally organize themselves and chose the leaders of the community. Things went smoothly even without leaders but it would have been better if there's a core pastoral group to lead the community. Before the party is over came the snow fall. But all of the members went home happy.
My sincerest thanks and appreciation to those who in one way or the other contributed to the success of this years celebration. To those who put their time, talent and treasures, the organizing committee , the choir, the faithful members and guests and to everyone who took part in the celebration. May the good Lord reward you for your generosity. Mabuhay ang Sambayanan ng Filipinong Katoliko ng Sts. Peter and Paul Parish.
See you next year folks!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Number You Have Dialed Can not be Reach

One of the most important technological innovations in the 21st century is the cell phone and internet. I still remember when I was young in 70's that to call Manila from our province you need to pay a fortune and letters received in months especially those coming from abroad. But this innovations communications is easier and a lot faster. Cell phones like cars are no longer a luxury but it is a necessity. As a priest, it is very helpful because you can be reach anytime of the day or the night through the cell phone. Even if you can not take the call immediately you can return missed calls if the calling party makes his number available to you. The only reason when a person cannot receive calls is when his cell phone is turned off or he does not want to receive calls at all.
Since my duty and responsiblities as a priest is not only from 9 o'clock in the morning 'til 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I need to be ready and make myself available to all people that I serve all day and all night. Because this is my life as a servant. It is not my time, but the time of those in need of my service that is to be taken into consideration.
I am always ready to take your call at 435 862 68 67. Call Now!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My House Shall be a House of Prayer

Every time we enter the Church we need to deep our fingers in the Holy Water font normally and accessibly located in every Church doors. This is to remind us that we are entering a sacred place of worship. And also the holy water reminds us of our baptism into the body of Christ which is the Church. As a place of worship we need to exercise utmost reverence and respect because Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is Really Present in the Church.
The light that is burning perpetually on the side of the Tabernacle represents the light of Christ present in the Blessed Eucharist. The Church with Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament makes the building our place of worship Sacred. We need to maintain not only Silence and Prayeful atmosphere but maintain the holiness of the place.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Come Down Quickly, I Must Stay at your House Today

Today's gospel story is about Zacchaeus a rich tax collector who went down to his self-made throne to see what Jesus' was like. There are three stages in his life story.
First is that, Zacchaeus was a wealthy man but he is unhappy. He was lonely because he had chosen a way that made him an outcast. Despised and hated by his fellowmen, Zacchaeus was reaching after the love of God.
Secondly, despite of this he was determined to see Jesus and would not let anything to stop him. For Zacchaeus, mingling with the crown alone is a courageous thing to do, even with his stature he climbed a sycamore tree.
Thirdly, Zacchaeus took steps to show to the community that he was a changed man. When Jesus announced that he would stay in his house that day, and when he discovered that he had found a new and wonderful friend in Jesus, He made a decision. Upon encountering Jesus, he decided half of his wealth to the poor, and half of it to be used to make restitution to his misdeeds especially defrauding his neighbors of which he confessed that he is guilty. And he was ready to pay neyond what is legally acceptable.
God in his goodness and mercy is also asking us to go down to the pedestal we buit for ourselves. Like Zacchaeus we need to give up our ego and pride so that Jesus could come and dwell in us. He have to forego those that hinders us of our intimate relationship with God. God is waiting for us to come down and walk with him in newness of life.
Steps for Life
Last Saturday November 14 at 30 past 8 in the morning some members of St. George Catholic Church joined the different denominations around town in the Walk for Life actitivities organized by the Hope Pregnancy Center. It was fun walking for a cause. The siblings Austin, Anthony, and Ashley Gregorio, Michael Bondad, the sister of Charisma Pinna who came all the way from Chicago, and our Father Vidal won some consolation prizes.
It's a cause that reminds everyone the sacredness of human life that needed to be respected and protected at all cost.
Your Faith has Saved YOU

"Have sight, your faith has saved you"
After Mass yesterday at 11 o'clock in the morning in Hurricane, a lady came to me and embraced saying, "Father, thank you so much for the miracle you have done to me!" I asked her, "what miracle?" She said, "you remember the last time you were here? I came to asked for your blessing just before you started the Mass." " Two weeks ago I went to see my doctor and he said that cancer cells in my body are gone." she continued. I told her it's not me who did the miracle it is her faith and the work of God. "But you are the instrument." she insisted.
As a priest it's a humbling experience for me. Inspite of my own sinfulness and wickedness, God continue using me in allowing people to experience his love and his grace.
The word of God today reminds us of God's abundant love if we only put our total confidence and complete trust in Him. The blind man when he heard that Jesus is passing by, he did not only stayed in one corner. He made it a point that Jesus would take notice of him by not keeping silent. He shouted, "Jesus, son of David have pity on me!" Even if the Lord is busy with his preaching and teaching, He stopped and give what the blind man needed, that is, that his sight may be restored. If only we have that kind of faith of the blind man, I believed that there are a lot of miracles that will happen in our lives.
The End Time a Vision of HOPE

Denis Mc Bride in his book Season's of the Word has this interesting story to tell:
The leader of a certain Indian tribe was dying. For many generations his people had been encamped at the base of a large mountain. The chieftain summoned his three sons and said' "I am dying; before I die, I must choose one of you to succeed me as the head of our tribe. I have the same task for each of you. I want you to climb our Holy Mountain and bring me back something beautiful, the one whose gift is the most outstanding will be the one who will succeed me."
The following morning the sons set out on their search, each taking different path to stop of the Holy Mountain. After several days the sons returned. The first son brought with him a rare kind of extremely beautiful flower that grow near the summit of the mountain. The second son brought his father a precious stone which was polished by sandy wind and rain. When the third son approached his father, everryone saw him came with an empty hands.
The empty handed son said to his father: "I have brought back nothing to show you, father. As I stood on the top of the Holy Mountain, I saw that on the other side was a beautiful land filled with green pastures. in the middle of these pastures there is a crystal lake. And I have a vision of where our tribe could go for a better life. I was so overwhelmed with what I saw and by what I could see that I could not bring anything back." And the fatherv replied: "you shall be our tribe's chieftain, for you have brought back the most precious thing of all - the gift of vision for a better future for our people.
This is story is very appropriate for our reflecyion on the END TIME or the PAROUSIA, namele the second coming of Jesus in power and glory at the end of the world. The Lord is reminding us to be always be ready for his return. Because no one knows the day or the hour that he is coming back.
The image that Jesus used in picturing the end of time is scary because the Sun will no longer shine, the moon will no longer give its light, the stars will be falling from the skies. The world will be in total darkness and in chaos. But for those who are ready to come face to face with the Lord will rejoice because Jesus will come to give justice to the world.
To be ready to that Parousia we need to be always faithful to the Word and Commandments of God. If we keep an eye unto the world that is to come and be loyal to Jesus to the end, then we will be happy because we will be numbered among God's elect and be with Him in his Kingdom.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Rejoice for God has Found US

There is much rejoicing in heaven for one sinner who repents than a ninety-nine righteous men who does not need the grace of God. The gospel reading today is a gospel within a gospel because it clearly illustrates the reason for God's incarnation. That He came to save the lost. That He came to allow us to exprerience God's divine unconditional love. By using the two parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, Jesus is telling us that He loves us unconditionally no matter what. The Pharisees are questioning Him because he dined with sinners, they dont realized that Jesus' love goes beyond the faults and mistakes of people. The gospel reminds us that no matter how grave the sins that we have committed in our lives, He is always willing to embrace us back if we acknowledge that we have sinned, we repent and find our way bak to his fatherly embrace. All of us have sinned. Part of our being human is our human weaknesses and sinfulness. But there is hope because Jesus our Good Shepherd is trying to find us. If He found us Go back to Him and he will forgive us. His mercy and forgiveness is immeasurable. He does not make a record of our wrongdoing because He loves us.
A Word of Thanks
A week ago Roger and Peggy treated me to a sumptuous lunch at my favorite restaurant in town. And they handed me the proceeds of the weekend Bake Sale for the victims of the twin typhoon Ondoy international codename KETSANA that devastated the capital city Metro Manila and her neighboring cities and provinces and the typhoon Pepeng international codename PARMA that left huge damages to crops, properties and hundreds of people died in the northern part of Luzon.
I was overwhelmed and humbled by the success of the Bake Sale. I could not describe the joy I felt because of the outpouring of support and love from the parish community. The number of men, women, and young people who took part in the said event and gave their time, talent, and resources were so amazing. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to all of you who showed your love, care and concern for me and my family and villagemate back home. I am truly blest because of your generosity and kindness. My sincerest thanks to all of you.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Clergy Convocation
Yesterday we started our annual FALL CLERGY CONVOCATION here at The Mountain Lodge in Park City, Utah. We have Father Ronald Knott as our speaker. This year's theme is 'Diocesan Clergy Spiritual Growth. Fr. Knott is saying that the main goal of every priest is to deepen his personal holiness and influence others, meaning the people he serves into the way God wants them to be.
The PRIEST needs to be obedient to the bishop his superior where he shares his mission. Obedience means to be unattached to ones own personal preferences and his own points of view.
The PRIEST needs to know how to lead his people spiritually like a good shepherd. A good shepherd who walks ahead of his flock with a voice pleasing to them and follow him and not a dog - sheep method of leading his flock.
A PRIEST who scolds his flock is an ineffective and inefficient servant leader. He should be an example of humility and meekness in the community.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Catholic Cat
One afternoon a rich old lady went to her Pastor and asked him to say Mass for his dead Cat. The Pastor said, "I can't say Mass fro your Cat because it's an animal and it does not have soul." The old lady replied, "okey Father, I will just go and offer Mass to the Anglican Church and will give my ten thousand dollar donation." Upon hearing this the Pastor said, "wait! anyway you are Catholic, your cat is also Catholic, give me your donation and I will say Mass for your Cat."
Monday, September 14, 2009
One day a mother hen was roaming around the animal kingdom boasting that she offered her eggs for her masters breakfast for the next day. On her way she met the mother pig saying, " The master will have eggs and ham for his breakfast tomorrow". The mother pig said, "You're happy because you just give your eggs, but I give my life."
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus offered his life for all of us that we may be saved from eternal damnation. This is the concrete proof of God's love for men and women. Though we have sinned, God did not abandon us, but instead offered the life of his only Son for the redemption of mankind.
And the love that he gives us is without boundaries. He loves us no matter what. He loves not only his friends and close associates but to everyone who were created in the image and likeness of God. His love is limitless and everlasting.
And God is reminding us, to love others the same way as he loves us. To love both the unloveable and unlikeable.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A retarded boy who is mute and deaf climbed a coconut tree. His parents asked him to come down because they are afraid he may fall down. But as if they are just talking to a wall. So they requested the village chief to help them ask the boy to come down. The village chief was shouting at the top of his voice calling the boy to come down, but the boy never listened to him. It happened that the pastor was passing by, so the parents ask the priest to tell the boy to come down. The priest obliged, and got close to where the coconut tree is. The priest started to talk to the boy and as if he is waving his hands to the boy. And the boy hurriedly went down.
Bystanders were amazed because it did'nt not take a minute for the priest to ask the boy to come down the tree. So they told the priest, "Father, you are really holy because you were able to ask the boy to come down. Did you say a prayer for him or did you blessed him?" The priest said, " No. what I said is, are coming down or i will cut the tree?"
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Word of Everlasting Life: John 6: 60 - 69
In one Marriage Encounter the facilitator asked his audience the question, "Which is more valuable, your spouse or your money?" A man stood up and said, "Money is more valuable because it earns interest as time goes by, while a spouse loses interest as time goes by".
After the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, people fed by Jesus followed him because they thought they have found the solution to their problems. That is why they were running after Jesus to make him their king. And towards the end of the bread of life discourse he revealed to them that he is the bread of life that came down from heaven. That his flesh is true food and his blood if true drink. And he continued saying, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, there is no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him".
Because of this statement of Jesus many of his disciples complained and said, " this is too hard to accept, who can bear all this?" And they began to leave him and returned to their former way of life.
The attitudes of the disciples who left Jesus reflects our own attitudes. Many times in our lives as Christians we, too, question the many teachings of the Church especially it it goes contrary to our desires and wishes. There are many tenets of the Church that we frown upon, or we are oppose to them, sometimes even violently and say, "why the Church leaders interferes in the live of people?" Especially if we talk about laws against abortion, divorce, contraceptives, and same - sex marriages and other moral issues regarding human life. Many time I hear people say, "why dont these priests confine themselves in their convents and just pray?" Or people say, "as if these religious are sinless?" Or other statements to that effect.
As a priest, I for one knows fully well that I have my own weaknesses, or imperfections or wickedness, but the teachings I am imparting are not my own but they are God's. Even if I myself is a sinner, I have the responsibility to say what is right or wrong, even if my listeners do not like what I say.
It's a pity and it saddens me if some members of the Church falls away from the Church because they cant accept the teachings of the Church. But as it is we need to take a stand for what is right, just and true.
When most of those who followed Jesus left, he turned to the twelve apostles and asked them, "do also wish to go away?" Peter answered in behalf of the group, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God". What a way of invoking a lively faith in Jesus. Truly, there is no one we can turn to except God in good times and in bad. It is only in God that we can find true peace and happiness. St. Augustine said it beautifully in his book Late Have I Loved Thee when he said, "My heart is restless, until they rest in Thee, my God.
If and when we are tempted to free ourselves from God, remember that even if the world offers us a lot of solutions to our problems, there is still nothing that is certain than to cling to God. Hopefully, we could also say as Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You are our life everlasting!" Amen.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Requirement to Eternal Life
Who among us is ready to go to heaven? All of us who believe that there is life after death may say, "yes I am ready". But, if we are to be asked are we ready to give up our material possessions to gain entry to heaven?, we may answer it differently or not answer the question at all.
What good must I do to to gain eternal life? asked the rich young man to Jesus. Jesus answered him, "if you wish to enter into eternal life, keep the commandments". The rich young man replied, " all of them I have observed. What do I still lack?" "If you wish to be perfect, go sell your properties and give to the poor."
Jesus is trying to tell us that to be perfect is to free ourselves from the cares of the material world. That is to detach ourselves from material possesions and focus our efforts and energies to the things in heaven. It is not enough that we keep the commandments, we need to share our resources to the poor.
The rich young man was sad when he heard the response of Jesus because he has a lot of properties. No wonder Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to enter into the hole of needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of heaven.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
There is a story of a lonely man who walked into a restaurant. He called a waiter and he said, "I want a whole roasted pig and a few kind words". The waiter took his order and walk into the kitchen, after a while came back with the whole roasted pig. Turned his back on the man heading towards the kitchen. The man called his attention saying, "I ordered a whole roasted pig and a few kind words, but you gave me just the roasted pig, how about the kind words?"
The waiter whispered to his ears, " be kind to yourself don't eat the whole roasted pig".
Food and drink are neccesary for the sustenance of our bodies. But if we don't watch the food we eat and the drink we take, it can kill us, not instantly but slowly and softly. Jesus in the gospel reading is offering us food. The food that Jesus gives is his flesh and blood. He said, "my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal".
Some of us may have doubts about the real presence of Christ in the body and blood we receive in the celebration of the Holy Mass. We have to remember that at the last supper when Jesus gathered his disciples in the upper room he clearly said, "this my body, this is my blood", he did not say, "this bread is a symbol of my body, this wine is the symbol of my blood".
It takes a deep faith in Jesus to accept that Christ is present in the body and blood in the form of bread and wine. If we see the gap between heaven and earth, its too wide and too deep. But because of the love of God for all of us, Jesus humbled himself took a form of bread and wine that we maybe able to partake of him in the celebration of the eucharist.
"Unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, there is no life in you. If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will remain in me and I in you and I will raise you up on the last day." Partaking in the body and blood of Christ is necessary for one's salvation. But why is it that when we come to celebrate the eucharist, we want to listen to the word of God but we don't want to receive his body and blood?
Some may say that, I need to go first to confession, or some might say I am not worthy. True. We need to clean our hearts first before we come and receive his body and blood. But as it is whether you a saint or a sinner, Jesus invites all of us to receive him. Before God all of us are unworthy to receive him. Nobody but nobody could say with his own merit that he is worthy to receive Christ. We are made worthy to receive him only because of his grace and of his love for us. That is why before the reception of the body and blood, we say pounding our breast, "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I will be healed".
My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus our Lord is inviting all of us to come share in his banquet. If we are in doubt of his real presence, we can always pray and say, "Lord, please heal my unbelief".
Friday, August 14, 2009
What God has Joined, No Human Being Must Separate
In the year 1998, "Der Spiegel" (The Mirror) a popular magazine in Germany carried a story that in that year there are 98,000 cases of divorce. Reasons of which are not really known.
The gospel reading today speaks of marriage and divorce. Pharisees came to Jesus asking him if it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason. Jesus answered them that what God has joined no man could separate.
In Judaism there were two schools of debate concerning marriage and divorce. The Shammai's and the Hillel's. The Shammai's adhered to a very strict position on divorce. Hillel's on the other hand are more lenient. The question thrown by the Pharisees to Jesus reflects a similar discussion in the community of Matthew.
Jesus made it clear that the purspose of God from the beginning in creating them male and female is that they be joined as one in a permanent union. This bond is being cemented by God himself and no one can undo it. Strictly speaking, divorce is illegal.
The Pharisees cannot be convinced by the answer of Jesus and they cited Moses who allowed divorce. Jesus said that Moses permitted divorce because of their hard headedness.
Because of Israel's unwillingness to listen to God's word, their rebellioussness and sinfulness that made Moses allowed divorce. It does not at all reflect the will of God.
Thus, this would remind married couples to be faithful to their marriage vows. Because the vows they made before the altar of God is permanent and not contractual and indissoluble.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Seventy Times Seventy Times
Part of our being human is our sinfulness or wickedness. We commit sin a lot of times in our waking hours. And most of the times we commit the same sins all over again. That is one of the things I observed with penitents especially to those who come to the confessionals on a regular basis. And even I, myself that is my experience.
The gospel reading today speaks of forgiveness to a brother who sins. Peter went to Jesus asking if forgiving ang erring brother seven times is already enough. Jesus told him, "not seven times but seventy times seven times.." Jesus is trying to tell us that we need not put a limit in our forgiveness to a brother who sins. Because just like us who ask God for his mercy and forgiveness for the wrong we do every waking hours, God's forgiveness is limitless and extravagant. So, we need to be ready and willing to forgive our brother every time he sins, and asks for forgiveness. We have to bear in mind too, that to err is human but to forgive is divine.
And as Jesus said, we need to forgive that we ourselves also be forgiven.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Reflections on today's reading: A Brother Who Sins
Once I entered a Chinese Restaurant, a caption at the entrance caught my attention. The saying goes this way, "If you are happy and satisfied with our food and service please tell it to others, but if not please come tell it to us."
In the gospel reading today, Jesus reminds us that if a brother sins against us we need to win back that brother. And Jesus gives three steps on how we win our brother back.
First, we need to go and point his fault to him alone. In this way his dignity and pride his protected. And to avoid deeper misunderstanding.
Second, if he does not listen to you, bring two or three witnesses. In the Old Testament a person can only be acused of a crime if there are two or three witnesses. The two or three persons must be trusted by both the acused and the acuser.
If using the first two steps fail, then bring the case to the community. The local community or local church has given by Jesus the authority whom to include or to expel in the community.
But, we have to remember that we need to exert extra effort to win our brother back. They say that it is easier to judge others than to judge onself may be applied here. This means that we need to bear in mind that we, too, like our brother had sinned in one way or the other. That is why, we also be ready and willing to extend forgiveness.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The True Greatness Mt. 18: 1 - 10
When Manny "Pacman" Paquiao of the Philippines knocked down the Bristish boxing legend Ricky Hatton in their bout last May 2, 2009, in a couple of minutes in Las Vegas, Nevada, people proclaimed him the world's greatest pound for pound boxer. His victory over Hatton was celebrated by the whole of the Filipino Nation.
Looking at how the world's proclamation on the greatness of a person, it seems that one is considered great if one has the money, the power, the fame and the name. That's why the world has given a lot of titles to individuals such as, the mos powerful man, the richest man, the most influential person and the like.
This is not so in God's standard. When Jesus disciples approached him and said, "who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"(Mt. 18: 1) Jesus told them, "unless you turn and become like little children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 18:3)
What the Lord was trying to tell us is that, that the childlike attitude in us and not our childishness that lead us to the kingdom of heaven.
Let us then imitate the humility of child so that we become part of the heavenly family of God.
Gospel Reflections of the Day John 12 : 24 -26
"Unless the grain of wheat falls on ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies, it produces much fruit." Jesus tell his disciples in the gospel reading today. Jesus reminds us of his sacrifice on the cross to save us and give us eternal life. It is only through the cross that Jesus won over sin and death. To have a successful life we need to die within ourselves. If wish to have a strong family ties we need to spend time, to talk to members of our family. If we want to deepen our relationship with God we need to spend time in prayer, to actively participate in the celebration of the Eucahrist each day. If I want to deepen my relationship with the people I serve, I need to spend time with them, to talk to them and to listen to them and not isolate myself in the little corner of the world I created for myself.
There is only one way that leads us to success in everything we do, that is to DIE within ourselves, to sacrifice, just like what Jesus did.
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